Cultivating Capacity: A Scan of Needs and Resources for Indigenous-led Nature-based Solutions

Capacity gaps often pose barriers to Indigenous-led nature-based solutions. The RAD Network is well placed to create tools and resources to address those gaps. But before doing so, we needed to consider: what tools and resources are already out there? How can we reduce duplication and foster collaboration? What capacity needs are Nations still facing and how can we best respond?

To begin to answer these questions, we did a desktop research scan and interviewed RAD Network partners and collaborators, including ENGOs working on capacity-building tools and programs, and individuals working on the ground in community to advance nature-based solutions. The report provides overviews of emerging capacity-cultivating approaches and summarizes key capacity needs and outstanding gaps identified by Community partners, offering recommendations to respond to the gaps identified.

This initial ‘scan’ will provide a jumping-off point for further work, including ongoing ‘ecosystem mapping’ and follow-up network engagement to ground-truth findings. The results will inform the co-creation of capacity-building tools grounded in Community needs.

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